Class R

Teacher: Ms Lawton
Welcome to Class R
I am looking forward to getting to know you and your family. I am delighted to be working with you in Reception Class and know that we will have a very exciting year. I hope that you enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Class R has to offer.
Mrs Lawton
Reception Booklet
Topic Plans
Reception will cover several themes throughout the year:
Autumn 1 – All About Me
Autumn 2 – Winter Wonderland
Spring 1 – Space
Spring 2 – People who Help Us
Summer 1 - Traditional Tales
Summer 2 – Beside the Seaside
Subject to change to due children's interests
These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates
Curriculum Overview
Term Plans
Transition from Nursery
Our aim is to ensure that the children experience a smooth transition from Nursery to Reception. Learning through play will continue to be an important part of the school day, and the children will gradually be eased into more focused learning opportunities as the year goes on so that they remain motivated, enthused and eager learners.
Please don’t hesitate to come and see me either before or after school if you have any questions or queries. My door is always open.
How learning takes place
During our literacy sessions we will introduce letters through the system of Twinkl Phonics SSP which encourages children to learn letters with a visual prompt, an action as well as a sound. The idea is for the children to learn the sound and letter name and relate it to the letter shape. They will need your help and support for this and we will send home sets of letters after they have been introduced and your child will progress as they demonstrate their aptitude and enthusiasm for learning.
We will share books with them as a whole class. We would encourage you to continue sharing books with your child at home. Ask them questions to predict what might happen and then discuss what has happened, taking time to look at the pictures and describe characters or settings. Once your child is ready we will send them additional books from our reading scheme with an explanatory note for you. We do like their books and book bags to be in school each day so we get the opportunity to read with them too. Your child will have a reading record book in their bag. If you lose the book a replacement will cost £5.00 and a reading record will cost £2.00 and these can be purchased at the school office.
We will also have some whole class sessions for mathematics when we will engage in a range of counting activities, number recognition, songs, shape work and problem solving. We will also cover this with small group games and activities. You can support your child through noticing numbers in the environment, such as on doors, buses, in telephone numbers, etc. Also by asking them how many items or objects they can see, how many they might have if they had one more or less and talking about where things are in the house or in the shops.
Children will be exploring many areas of provision and will be encouraged to make choices and develop independence in their learning. They will learn through fun activities and will be encouraged to develop their learning further by adults providing next steps pertinent to the individual's own development.
Role play, sand, water, painting, construction and creative activities will be on offer daily and we will strive to offer free flow play when we can which will extend and develop their learning through indoor and outdoor learning opportunities. For this reason we would ask that they bring in their coats to enable access to outdoor areas.
Star of the Day
Each day one child will be chosen to be our Star of the Day. This will be for a child who has tried hard all day and has been helpful and kind to others. This is a motivational award that the children are really responding well too. They will receive a certificate and a small treat.
Collection of children
In order to ensure your child’s safety we only let the children out as we see the parent/carer who is collecting them at the end of the day. At the beginning of the school year, we are still getting to know you, so this may take a little time and we ask for your patience please. We would also ask that if your child is being collected by somebody else, please come and tell us or let the office staff know.
The children will be doing P.E. on a Monday and a Tuesday. Please ensure your child has their P.E. kit in school and that all items are clearly labelled. We encourage children to practise getting dressed at home to help them get changed quickly in school!
Forest School
Children will engage in Forest School learning opportunities on a Thursday afternoon and will need a pair of wellington boots and a coat in school.
Homework will be limited, as I believe that children need time to play, relax and spend quality time with their families and friends after school.