The Role of the Governing Body
The governing body has three core strategic functions:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Governing body powers
The governing body is recognised in law as a corporate body, which means it has a legal identity separate from that of its governors. It also means that individual governors have no power or right to act on behalf of the governing body except where the whole governing body has delegated a specific duty to that individual. The governing body can also decide to delegate certain responsibilities to committees that it has established. Governors will, therefore, take collective responsibility for the decisions reached by the governing body to publicly support decisions.
Governing Body
Mrs Lisa Nellist
Appointed by Governing Body
Current term: 01/09/22
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Attendance at Finance Committee over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Chair of Governors
Ms Abigail Combes
Appointed by Local Authority
Current term: 29/11/22 - 28/11/26
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 4/4
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Christine Bramham
Appointed by Governing Body
Current term: 21/03/24 - 20/03/28
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – None
Attendance at Finance Committee over academic year 2022/2023 – None
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Co-opted Governor
Mrs Eileen Race
Appointed by Governing Body
Current term: 07/03/23 - 06/03/27
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Attendance at Finance Committee over academic year 2022/2023 – 3 /5
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Staff Governor
Mrs Mandy Blackstone
Appointed by School
Current term: 01/04/21 - 31/03/25
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Associate Governor
Miss Clare Wilbourne
Current term: 29/09/22 - 28/09/26
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Parent Governor
Miss Chloe Todd
Appointed by School
Current term: 10/02/22 - 09/02/26
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022/2023 – 5/5
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Parent Governor
Mrs Samantha Merron
Appointed by School
Current term: 28/09/23 - 27/09/27
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022-2023 - n/a
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Parent Governor
Mr James Raine
Appointed by School
Current term: 28/09/23 - 27/09/27
Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings over academic year 2022-2023 - n/a
Business/ financial/ relationship/ governance interests: None
Co-opted Governor vacancy
Laura Waites
Current term: 01/09/19-
Committee Membership
Full Governors Board
All Governors
School Improvement Committee
Miss Abigail Combes (Chair), Mrs L Nellist, Mrs E Race
Finance Committee
Mrs Christine Bramham (Chair), Mrs L Nellist, Mrs K Taylor (Bursar) Mrs E Race
Specific Roles
Chair of Governors
Miss Abigail Combes
Safeguarding Governor
Miss Chloe Todd
Chair, School Improvement Committee
Mrs E Race
Chair, Finance Committee
Mrs Christine Bramham
Governors who have left in the last 12 months:
Samantha Hay (Co-opted)
Kayleigh Hancock (Parent governor)
Cathy Graham (Co-opted)
Tim Watts (Co-opted)