Uniform can be purchased at Rumours in the Scarborough town centre or Identity @ https://identity.co.uk/
Ties can be purchased at the school office.

P.E. Kit
Navy shorts, plain white polo shirts, trainers/plimsolls.
Tracksuits can be worn for outdoor games when it is cold.
In addition, junior age children will require trainers or football boots, shin pads and a separate set of shorts for games.
It would be helpful if all P.E. clothing could be clearly marked with the child’s name and contained in a bag which can be hung from a peg. Thank you.
Other Items
Book bags, rucksacks and P.E. kit bags are available from the school office.
When it is necessary to come to school in Wellingtons, children also need to bring a pair of shoes with them for indoor use.
Jewellery Policy
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery of any kind (including bracelets, charity bands, necklaces, chains or earrings) to school. Sleepers are permitted when ears are newly pierced. Sleepers must be covered with tape for reasons of health and safety.
Wristwatches are the only permitted jewellery.
Second Hand Uniform
A limited number of second hand uniform items are available to purchase from school.