Class 4

Teacher: Mr Dente
Welcome to Year 4
During this year at school, your children will be continuing to develop independence in their learning. We aim to encourage them to have a love of learning that will last them a lifetime.
Year 4 is an action-packed time, with many opportunities for the children to immerse themselves in learning, whilst building upon those essential skills developed in previous years. We believe by the end of the academic year your child will have much to celebrate and reflect on, not just academically but personally too.
Topic Plans
Year 4 will cover several themes throughout the year:
Autumn 1 – Ancient Egyptians
Autumn 2 – Cities in England
Spring 1 – Anglo Saxons
Spring 2 – Around the World
Summer 1 – Vikings
Summer 2 – Scientists and Inventors
These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates
Curriculum Overview
Term Plans
Year 4 have their P.E. days on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please ensure that their P.E. kit is in school on these days
Your child will be given work in their spelling journals every Monday, which will need to be returned to school every Friday. The children are expected to learn the spelling pattern and rules in order to encourage independence in their writing. We have also included the Year 3 and 4 spelling list from the curriculum to assist you.
We want to encourage your child to be a successful reader, with a love of reading. Please encourage your child to read and record any comments in their reading record. These records need to be in school daily and signed at least three times a week.
Times Tables
It is vital that your child knows all the times tables up to 12x12. It is a skill that is used in many areas of maths that the children will be covering this year. In addition, the government have introduced a times table test for children at the end of Year 4. In order to prepare for this the children will have a times table to focus on each week and we will also be challenging the children to complete a variety of times table questions in a given time. We appreciate your support in this.
Topic Homework
The children have been given the challenge of completing as many of the topic inspired homework as possible. Each completed activity can then be crossed off the attached homework grid.