Class 5


Teacher: Mr McCarthy

Welcome to Year 5

Year 5 is a busy and exciting time as your child now moves into Upper Key Stage 2. There will be many opportunities for the children to develop their independence, confidence and resilience skills as we build upon prior learning and immerse ourselves in new, interesting topics. I look forward to making this year as exciting and enjoyable as possible.

Mr McCarthy

Topic Plans

Year 5 will cover several themes throughout the year:

Autumn 1 – Ancient Greece
Autumn 2 – Earth and Space

Spring 1 – Crime and Punishment
Spring 2 – Raging Rivers

Summer 1 – The Maya Civilisation
Summer 2 – Global Food

These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates


Curriculum Overview

Term Plans


Year 5 have P.E on a Thursday & Friday afternoon . Please ensure that their P.E kit is in school on these days.



Homework will be sent home on a Friday and will need to be completed and handed in on the following Friday. This provides an opportunity for the children to seek help in school if they find the homework challenging. An explanation sheet will always be provided to accompany the homework.


Times Tables

It is vital your child knows their times tables fluently and continues to practise them up to 12 x 12 regularly. This is particularly important as your child progresses into Upper Key Stage 2.



There will be a spelling test every Friday, and spellings will be stuck into the homework book each week.



We want to encourage your child to be a successful reader, with a love of reading. Please encourage your child to read and record any comments in their reading record. These records need to be in school daily and signed at least three times a week.