Class 3

Teacher: Mr Lowe
Welcome to Year 3
My name is Mr Lowe, and I am the teacher of Class 3. Year 3 represents the transition from Key Stage 1 up to Key Stage 2. This represents a milestone for the children where they hopefully become more independent learners. I am incredibly excited for what lies ahead in this academic year. If you have any problems or questions don’t hesitate to contact me.
Topic Plans
Year 3 will cover several themes throughout the year:
Autumn 1 – Our Planet
Autumn 2 – The Olympics
Spring 1 – Stone Age to Iron Age
Spring 2 – Food, Glorious Food
Summer 1 – The Ruthless Romans
Summer 2 – Rumbles and Eruptions
These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates
Curriculum Overview
Term Plans
On a Tuesday and Friday, the children will be taught PE. The children should make sure that they have their full PE kit in school on these days.
Each week the children will be set a piece of homework linked to the Year 3 curriculum. This homework may be linked to their maths, English or topic work in school. If the children have any problems, I will be happy to help them
Spellings and timetables
Every week your child will be set a series of spellings to learn. These spellings will be given to the children every Friday with the test taking place the following Friday. The spellings will often come with a spelling rule to learn. For the children to learn these best, little but often is the best way forward.
Reading Records
All children have a reading record. The expectation is that the children have this signed at least 3 times a week by an adult at home. Reading records should be in school each day and taken home at the end of the school day