Class 2

Teacher: Miss Blakeley
Welcome to Year 2
The children have settled very well and we’ve been doing lots of great learning. I do hope they have been enjoying themselves.
The purpose of this page is to outline some of the key topics that we are learning about over the academic year. As well as, hopefully, answering any questions that you may have about the day-to-day school life but not had chance to talk to me about.
If you do have any questions, I’m always available for a chat before or after school – just come to the office, if it’s in the morning, or you can catch me outside when you’re picking up your child.
I'd be grateful if you have arranged for someone else to pick up your child or they are going with another parent, please could you either let me know on a morning or give the office a call to confirm. Thank you.
Here’s to a fantastic year for the children!
Topic Plans
Year 2 will cover several themes throughout the year:
Autumn 1 – The Gunpowder Plot
Autumn 2 – Our Wonderful World
Spring 1 – Adventure is Out There
Spring 2 – Amazing Africa
Summer 1 – Glorious Grace Darling
Summer 2 –Beside the Seaside
These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates
Curriculum Overview
Term Plans
Year 2 have their P.E. days on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that their P.E. kit is in school on these days
Spellings will be given out weekly on a Tuesday. These will then be checked the following Tuesday at school, with new words given accordingly.
Home Reading
Your child will have the chance to change their home reading book once a week, on a Thursday. It would be great if you could read with your child every night and, if possible, write some notes in their reading record. It could be just a small note to say your child is reading well or if there is a word or sound they are struggling with. Thank you so much in advance.
As you may have seen, we have new home reading records this year – unfortunately, there will be a £2 charge if the records are lost, as the school will have to buy new ones to replace them.