Class 6

Teachers: Mr Gay
Welcome to Year 6
Welcome to Year 6: Year 6 is a brilliant and busy year! We hope that your child will continue to enjoy their learning journey with us, as well as developing independence to be ready for secondary school. They will study a broad and varied curriculum with us that allows them to discover and develop their interests.
Mr Gay
Topic Themes
Year 6 will cover several themes throughout the year:
Autumn 1 – Life in Victorian Britain
Autumn 2 – Our changing world
Spring 1 – World War I
Spring 2 – Enough for everyone
Summer 1 – World War II
Summer 2 – Amazing Americans!
These themes will include all foundation subjects to ensure pupils receive a broad and balanced curriculum.
Theme Updates
Curriculum Overview
Term Plans
Year 6 have their P.E. days on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please ensure that their P.E. kit is in school on these days
Homework will be set on a Friday and due in the following Friday. Each week, this will consist of spellings to learn, a maths activity (linking with that week’s learning), and a comprehension or grammar task.
A homework club will be run by staff after school to support children with this. It is the expectation that your child’s reading record will be signed three times a week. This is to ensure that they are regularly engaging with texts and building their reading stamina.