Update from The Base
Dear Parents/Guardians, Hope you are all keeping safe and well. Following the government decision to reopen school for years R, 1, and 6 from the 1st June 2020, we have been looking carefully at how we might be able to offer the wrap around provision again. Unfortunately at this time, the decision has been taken…
Read MoreHeadteacher – School re-opening
Dear Parents/Carers, I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Since March 20th, school has felt a very different place, quiet and empty. No bustle of children in corridors, no sounds of voices from classrooms, just the occasional sound of Joe Wicks coming from the hall and teachers huffing and puffing through the latest…
Read MoreChair of Governors – School re-opening
Dear Parent/Guardians, As you will be aware, the Government have decided that schools should reopen for Years R, 1 and 6 from 1st June, with more years attending after a few weeks if the pandemic continues on a downward trend. I know that Mr Johnson has briefly written and explained that we will be taking…
Read MoreSchool re-opening guidance – 12/05
Dear Parent/Carers, I am sure you are aware by now that the Government are hoping to re-open schools on June 1st for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. In addition, they are hoping that all children will be back by 15th June, so that they will have 4 weeks in school before…
Read MoreLetter from Chair of Governors – 30/04
Dear Parent/Carers I was hoping that by now we would be welcoming your children back to school but it doesn’t look likely that that will be happening for some time yet. I am sure that you are all finding the current situation as surreal/challenging and strange as me and no doubt your children are too.…
Read MoreLaunch of Weekly Learning Activities
Dear Parent / Carer I very much hope you and your families are all staying safe and well. Thank you for your very positive response to the teacher’s dance video, we are glad you enjoyed it. Particular thanks to Mrs Lawton for organising the whole thing. As the school closure continues with little sign of…
Read MoreCoronavirus – Easter School closure
Dear Parent/Carer, Thank you to all the keyworker parents who have made provision for their children over the Easter holiday period. This means that school does not need to be open for provision during this period and teachers can follow government advice to stay at home. Free school meal provision will end for the Easter…
Read MoreCoronavirus – Easter provision
Response required by 9.00am, Tue 31 March Dear Parent/Carer, We are required by County to ask parents who are critical workers about their need for provision over the Easter period. Some provision can be made at East Ayton Primary School during the Easter holidays, but it is not expected that provision will be needed at…
Read MoreLetter from Chair of Governors
Dear Parents/Carers, Firstly, I hope that you are all safe and well. Obviously school is closed and you are all dealing with the new reality of being at home with your children and trying to fulfil their educational needs on top of everything else. I know that the teachers prepared packs to give to the…
Read MoreCoronavirus letter – 23/03
23rd March 2020 Dear Parent/Carer, Just to make you aware of the latest guidance from the Local Authority on responsibilities of key workers: If at all possible for children to be at home, then they should be. Keyworkers must only send children to school/early years provider when they are actually on rota working for the…
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