Online Learning Letter for Parents
Dear Parents/Carers
We now have our online Learning Platform active and ready to use. You will find all the information on our website homepage. Along the taskbar, where you can see your child’s class, there is a tab ‘Online Learning.’ Once this has been located you will find within this tab each class from Nursery to Year 6. Each class tab will look identical but will only contain the information for that specific class. Once you have located your year group, the correct week and the correct day, there will be lessons for Literacy, Maths & Topic.
They will be identifiable by their names, for example Literacy Lesson 11.01.21 will be the main input of the lesson, then there will be Literacy Worksheet 11.01.21, which will be the worksheet for your child to complete. If you do not have access to a printer the activities can all be completed on a plain piece of paper.
To keep a record of your child’s work we have set each child up with a Class Dojo account. You will receive a link with your individual child’s log in and password. To keep a record and send feedback to your child, we are asking parents to take photographs of their child’s work and upload it onto their own personal Dojo log in. This can only be seen by their class teacher, they will mark the work and send appropriate feedback, work that is sent in this way will be kept at school in an individual file.
There is also going to a log in provided for Times Tables Rock Starts which is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. This is something that your child may want to complete on a daily basis or it may be added in from the class teacher as a learning opportunity.

Teaching and learning pack info on reverse
For those parents who have requested them, teaching and learning packs will be available to collect between 10am and 1pm on Monday. Completed work should be returned to school by 12.00 on Friday so that the class teacher can look at the work and respond ready for the following Monday.
Yours sincerely
Mr. D. Johnson