Headteacher Letter – 5th Jan 21
Dear Parent/Carer
It was with considerable regret that we had to inform you last night of another school closure starting today, particularly as we had just had a very positive training day with all staff looking forward to the new term. As I’m sure you will appreciate today has been an extremely busy day as we have tried to respond as quickly as possible to the changing situation, and I wanted to get information out to you as soon as possible.
For the children of key worker parents who are accessing school provision, procedures will remain the same as before Christmas as these seemed to work well in terms of keeping children safe. Start and finish times will be the same as last term with pick up and drop off points also remaining the same. The number of key worker parents requesting provision is quite high so the children will continue to be taught in single year group ‘bubbles’.
We will be moving to online learning for the start of next week, and teachers are currently preparing for this. During the previous school closure last summer, a number of parents commented that they had problems either with accessing lesson plans on the website or with being able to provide a computer for their children to work on. With this in mind, we will also be offering the home learning as a pack which can be picked up from school. We would ask that any parents who would prefer the home learning in this form let school know this week so it can be ready for Monday. More details about how to access remote learning will be sent later in the week.
As you may already aware, The Base will remain closed for this half term with the situation being reviewed in February.
Yours sincerely
Mr. D. Johnson