Candlelighters & Sports Relief

We had a very successful fundraising week in school. Final totals have yet to be decided but at this point we know that over £400 has been raised for Candlelighters. The total raised from the Sports Relief sponsored walk will be known as soon as all sponsor money is brought into school.

A huge thank you to all parents who supported our fundraising. A special thank you to the following for their donations of raffle prizes:

Barbelle – month gym membership
Ramshill Garage – Free MOT
Mrs Waite – Morrisons pamper hamper
Jennie & Victoria Parkin – Cleaning hamper
Attic beauty voucher with Mimi – Ashton Boden
Farrier Voucher – Dani Bushby
M&S bottle of red wine – Katie Glenwright @Tescos
9 Easter Eggs – Katie Glenwright @Tescos
Jar of sweets – Jacob Waite
Nail kit – Mandy North
4 Chester Zoo tickets – Olivia Eyre
School Summer hamper – Staff at East Ayton

The raffle has been drawn and all winners have been notified.

Book donation
Another special thank you to Morrisons for their donation of a selection of books for the school library.

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