School re-opening guidance – 12/05

Dear Parent/Carers,

I am sure you are aware by now that the Government are hoping to re-open schools on June 1st for children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6. In addition, they are hoping that all children will be back by 15th June, so that they will have 4 weeks in school before the Summer holiday.

In the last 24 hours a considerable amount of advice has been given to schools about how the return should be managed and we are now considering how this can be done at East Ayton. Parents need to be aware that Government guidance on ensuring the safety of staff and children is presenting considerable challenges.

A common question from parents is that, from June 1st, if parents choose not to send their child to school, will they be fined? This is the guidance from the Government:

Parents will not be fined for non-attendance at this time, and schools and colleges will not be held to account for attendance levels.

I am aware that a significant number of parents are not intending to send their children back to school before the Summer holiday, and I would ask those parents to let school know if that is their intention.

I will be in touch with you again next week as the position regarding school re-opening, hopefully, becomes clearer.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. D. Johnson

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